Mother Nature pulled a fast one and turned down the thermostat. We went from shorts and t-shirts to sleeping in sweats. Today was rainy, blustery, and about 60 degrees.
We have plenty of large indoor facilities here at Skylemar. But since we’re cohorting by Division, we do our best at creating a Rainy Day Schedule with only one age group inside each building at a time. That means we get creative with spaces and have activities where you might not expect.
There was Flamingo Bingo in the Rec Hall. It’s the traditional game with a Skylemar twist. When the winner shouts “FLAMINGO BINGO!” the JC’s magically run through the crowd, wearing crazy costumes and banging noisemakers. It’s one of those things you just have to see.
The winner then picks a stunt card, along with a counselor to perform. If the counselor completes the stunt (which he always does), the whole bunk gets a prize. For example, counselors had to make a wowbutter & jelly sandwich wearing a blindfold, act out the words to the song “Taps”, pretend they were a ninja warrior, do 30 pushups and burp 5 times in 30 seconds or less. When counselor Murph successfully pushed a ping-pong ball across the floor with his nose, the entire Bunk 8 jumped into his arms.
Meanwhile, others were at Chill Top making ping pong paddles. There was Dodge Ball at The Gym, and Suzie’s Famous Trivia under the Pavilion. One group was at the Chess Tent, while another was at WSKY Media learning about photography and video. Those at The Lodge played pool, foosball, ping pong and more.
Campers got to dress up in outrageous costumes at the Photo Shoot in the Garden Cabin. Those at the Chocolate Factory made yummy treats for themselves, as well as for the older cabin of their choice. The Basement Party was a blast with Lego, bowling, assorted games and surprises.
Evening Activity was Situations. That’s when each cabin gets a scenario, and they need to act it out. For example, Bunks 1-6 found gold in the bottom of Trickey Pond. They had to show how they’d retrieve it and what they’d spend it on. Bunks 7-9 had to figure out a way to steal the recipe for Chef Jr’s Secret Sauce. Bunks 10-14 made a commercial for the world’s best Cabin Insurance. Bunks 15-19 had to come up with a wacky sport for the next Olympics.
As for Bunks 15-30…they got to watch. They were a great audience who cheered, laughed and encouraged, no matter how silly or untalented the performers were. That’s a Skylemar tradition for the older guys.
Speaking of talent, we’re super excited for tomorrow night!