There are very few things in the world that we can’t control. One, which we tell the kids about all the time, is that you can’t control another person’s behavior. You can only control your own, setting an example for how you’d hope others to be.
The other that comes to mind is the weather. No matter how we plan, the no-rain dance we do or what predicts, it is what it is when it comes to the rain. Today’s radar predicted an hour of drizzle, but the clouds had another idea.
It’s called “the art of the stall”. It’s what Shep pulls out when the kids are ready to head back to the bunk from breakfast, and the WeatherBug app says the rain is supposed to stop in 5 minutes. But it doesn’t. So... he decides to have an “outfit of the day” contest, between Luci and Tennis Director Ted. The two must strut down the pseudo-catwalk of the Pavilion, and the kids got to cheer for whoever they thought was best dressed. Mitch’s “applausometer” measured the decibels, so of course the kids screamed louder and louder. End result – a successful 20 minute delay, which was long enough for the rain to subside.
Still too wet for regular outdoor activities, so we switched to IC Day Song Practice. Tomorrow you’ll learn all about how the camp is divided into five college teams for a competitive day. The most points are awarded in the Songs & Cheers evening event, so now was a good time to teach the words to the songs. The counselors spend a tremendous amount of time writing, and they soon learn how difficult it is to get 40 boys to memorize words and sing in unison.
Still misty in the afternoon, but we played outside anyway. Bunks 13, 14, 25 and 26 were lucky – they got to go ice skating in Bridgton. The JC’s got away for a bit too. They went on a private tour of Colby College.
COLORFUL CARNIVAL for Evening Activity! The weather was dreary, so Shep had us put on our brightest clothes and bring on the fun. Each cabin had their own booth to run in shifts, so that everyone had plenty of time to get around to play the many different games. There were clowns and dressed up characters, music and plenty of treats. The snowballs were yummy, especially with marshmallow on top. The Kitchen Staff served fresh fried dough, but you had to play Limbo to get some.
Never a dull moment, rain or shine. And tomorrow it will shine. The stars in the sky tell it like it is!