She’s a one-man-show, jack-of-all-trades, talented singer, dancer and actor. She’s sugar and spice and everything nice. She’s the greatest drama director in the country. She’s….
SUZIE! SUZIE! SUZIE! (as the camp chants)
Best of all, Suzie knows boys and understands how to make drama cool and fun. Never frustrated (well, almost never…), she appreciates that boys can’t sit still, or that they’d rather play soccer sometimes, or that a shower has to happen before rehearsal. Thinking about auditioning? All you have to do is tell her that you want a small, medium or big part. The final cast is always a mix of ages, and despite the disjointed rehearsals due to cohorting, the show always miraculously comes together.
Tonight's Big Show, “Elf” was Suzie-style all the way. The kids were fantastic and adorable, and the audience watched intently. It was a happy play, with vivid scenery, holiday lighting and cheerful costumes. Eighteen boys were in the cast, and it was amazing how well they knew their lines and choreography.
The flow of a Suzie production is especially impressive. She uses colored tape backstage to mark off where each boy’s costumes are kept, as well as where they’re supposed to stand quietly, or at least try. In addition to the cast, 39 boys signed up for stage crew. You see the word is out that if you’re in the stage crew, you’re part of the pizza party that follows. Instead of capping her stage crew to just a handful, she went ahead and gave each boy one single task. Somehow, with just one run-through of the whole play (kind of was during a flag football game), it all went exactly to plan. Like the unicorn she played for Sade’s Palace, Suzie is magical.
As to the one-man jack-of-all-trades part? She does it all. Casting, costuming, set design, props, choreography and directing. She gets some much appreciated help with painting from Diane, Brittany and the kids, and welcome assistance from George H and Nate on the lighting and sound, but Suzie is one of those people in the world who knows how to make things happen.
Thank you, Suzie, for making the Gerhard Stage come alive!
The Cast of "Elf"
Santa Claus Noah (B25)
Buddy Scene 1-3 Eddie (B17)
Buddy Scene 4-7 Rowan (B17)
Buddy Scene 8-12 Aidan (B17)
Walter Hobbs Tyler (B20)
Emily Hobbs Dylan (JC)
Jovie Xander (B17)
Chadwick T.I. (B17)
Walter Cooper (B8)
Deb Eli (B8)
Macy’s Manager Noah (B28)
Mr. Greenway Nolan (B5)
Charlie/Kid/Elf Ethan (B2)
Barnard/Elf Eli (B1)
Elf/Policeman Jagger (B5)
Elf/Security Guard Luca (B5)
Elf/Security Guard Ethan (B7)