It starts with a story told by Nick Shep. It was late August in his freshman year as a lacrosse player at Dickinson College. During a pre-season captain’s practice, Nick wasn’t putting out much effort since it was a session that didn’t really “count”.
A senior player ran up to him and said, “Hey, Nick. What’s going on? It seems like you don’t care.” Nick explained that it really didn’t matter since the coach wasn’t there. The senior responded, “No, man. It’s cool to care.”
For Nick, that’s when it “clicked”. It’s cool to care about being your best, it’s cool to care about others, and cool to care about the world around you. From that day on he played with all his heart, and always made sure to pass on positive energy. He was ultimately elected Captain, but not because of his athletic talents. He was chosen to lead because he cared.
At Skylemar, we call this message “Cool2Care”. For example, it’s cool2care about winning and playing your hardest, while still caring about those who lost. It’s cool2care about yourself, by brushing teeth, showering and washing hands throughout the day. It’s cool2care about the land of Skylemar, by never leaving trash on the ground. It’s cool2care about your bunkmates, especially when someone’s feeling left out. And…It’s cool to care about loved ones at home so much that you might even get teary thinking about them.
It’s the motto we live by, at least most of the time. You see, we’re human of course, so make plenty of mistakes. Sometimes we forget that it’s cool2care and need to be corrected. Then we t-r-r-r-y-y again.
Far more often than not, Skylemar guys demonstrate that it’s cool2care. In fact, if you see someone putting cool2care in action, it can be shared on a card in the “Cool2Care Cooler” located on the office porch. Every so often Nick will go into the cooler and pick out a meaningful card to read to the camp.
Tonight’s card was written about one who is especially kind and helpful to all. He knows each person by name, and always says "hello”. He is respectful, compassionate and puts others ahead of himself.
The first Cool2Care chain of 2022 is awarded to Isaac Garonzik.
PS Congrats to first time skiers: Lajuan, Ainsley, Jack H, Dillon W, Ayan, Joseph P, and Logan D!