The love waves could be felt for miles. Even a global tech outage, plane cancellations and roads closed due to a parade could not stop our superheroes from getting to Skylemar today.
There is nothing more joyous than seeing a boy leap into the arms of his mom or dad, especially after a long time apart. We truly are the luckiest people in the world.
Thank you for giving your son the opportunity to show off his friends, counselors and summer home. We hope you see what we see – he shines in remarkable ways.
Of course it’s an emotional day for those of all ages, and for some it’s sort of a roller coaster ride. On the other hand, it’s extraordinary to see how quickly the boys switch gears back to regular camp mode when it comes to a Carnival.
Dinner, 7th Period, and then Movie Night. All should sleep tight this evening.
Every night we count our blessings. All 240 of them plus their parents, and the 148 Skylemar staff members who do whatever it takes to care for the greatest guys in the whole wide world. Thank you for sharing yours with us.