Bittersweet, they call it. On one hand, it's the saddest day of the year in the Skylemar nation. Saying goodbye to those who have become so important to us over the past weeks is a very difficult thing to do.
On the other, the day does culminate in joy, as arms are wrapped around your most precious possession. How wonderful it is to be reunited with those you love, forever and always.
Here at a very quiet Skylemar, our heart overflows with gratitude. To you, who entrusts us with your amazing son, we thank you. We are honored that you’ve selected Skylemar as his home-away-from-home and promise to do everything in our power to cherish him always.
To the most outstanding counselors in the country, please know that you’ve built men of character this summer, and we are forever grateful.
To so many others at Skylemar who help us make a positive difference in the world, one boy at a time, we love the Sky and back.
See you next year, friends. The countdown begins now!