We are a soggy bunch, here in Maine. Shoes make squishy sounds, and even raincoats are soaked through. Nevertheless, there’s lots of smiles and laughter, as our tireless staff makes lemonade out of very wet lemons.
Making things happen, figuring it out, creating people-powered fun and blanketing all with love is part of the job description for those on our leadership team. Made up primarily of teachers, coaches and those who work with children year-round, the Senior Staff inspires the counselors to be the best they can be. They basically plan, supervise and help to execute every minute of the Skylemar day, and there’s no task they won’t cover. They give hugs and advice, wipe away tears, shout cheers of encouragement and navigate the twists and turns of a day.
For example, we have an important goal of keeping Skylemar boys clean and healthy. As you probably know from living with at least one, sometimes this is no easy task. Plus, ours live in a ten-in-one-room, they need to change their own sheets every week, and in a boy’s mind there’s far more interesting things to do here than taking a shower.
At breakfast today Senior Staffers marched into the Pavilion, dressed as warriors with a broom as their weapon and a trash can lid as their shield. Barnicus, the Warrior of Clean (aka Program Director Barney) leads the chant with the kids – it goes clap, clap, “CLEAN"! clap, clap, “CLEAN"!
Barnicus explains that today is GACU, which stands for Great American Clean Up. This is the weekly time when each cabin participates in a “trifecta of clean”: Super Bunk Inspection, health check with the Infirmary, and a visit to “The Spa” for nail trimming.
Enter stage left comes the costumed character Laundrus Aurelius, leader of the Laundronites (aka Athletic Director “DT”). He explains that today the Laundronites of camp must change their sheets and then put all dirty clothes in the magical bag that goes to the laundry service. A chariot takes away the incredible bags and in two days they reappear with clean, folded clothes inside.
Meanwhile, as the rain poured steadily with no end in sight, director Cory was busy creating an indoor schedule packed with fun. She delegates to the other Senior Staffers and NBC’s (Non-Bunk Counselors) exactly what activity each is responsible for, and then orchestrates the day like a symphony conductor.
There’s the Lego Extravaganza, Card Shark Game Show, Karaoke, Cookie Baking, and games at the Gym and Lodge. Some went on a trip to Ice Skating in Bridgton, while others decorated t-shirts with Mary Beth. Media Director Shannon welcomed groups to the WSKY Media Center, for green-screen video making with her staff.
The hardest working and most appreciated were the NBC’s & Sr Staff who ran The Spa throughout the day. As the boys drank cucumber water and soaked their stinky feet in tubs of soapy warm water, the staff sat on yoga pillows as they trimmed nails on the Garden Cabin porch. Since the boys over age 13 can do it themselves, that meant only 2,240 nails needed to be cut.
Like we said, this is a team that does whatever it takes.