Oh, the heat. It’s so hot here you could fry an egg on a sidewalk.
So we tried. But the egg frying experiment was an epic failure. It just makes a mess on a basketball court.
We’ve gotten used to scheduling in high heat over the past few days. Barney now puts the court sports in the morning, and then puts the slower-speed and the in-the-shade activities in the afternoon.
Some weather appropriate trips went out today. The older guys went to Sebago Lake State Park. That’s a public beach not too far away. The water’s very shallow, so it’s fun for tossing a football or a Frisbee. If you’re lucky, a girls camp will be there at the same time. No matter what, the snack bar’s always a hit. Once again, paying cash for an ice cream sandwich makes it taste much better than the same one here.
The Tigers and Freshmen cooled off with some air conditioning! They went to Smitty’s Theatre to see "Despicable Me 4”. It’s the kind of place where you sit at tables and there are waiters to serve the food. As expected, our group was well-mannered and made us proud. Best of all, counselors had the opportunity to shut their eyes for just a couple hours.
Some of those who really love golf headed to Bridgton Highlands Country Club, despite the 94 degree temps. From what we hear that’s not anywhere near as hot as some places in the country.
For us here at camp, the best place to be is Trickey Pond. In fact, the ski dock’s been so busy this summer that we made the decision to add a fifth boat to our fleet. It’s a Mastercraft NXT, and we call her “Big Blue”. Also new this summer is a pontoon boat, that’s big enough for a cabin of kids. It’s perfect for Pontoon Parties and exploring the other side of the lake.
Tonight was to be the first big play of the season, “Tarzan”. Those in the show have been working hard for days, practicing lines, songs and dances, all in the hot sun. The dress rehearsal was so successful this morning that Suzie gave the cast the afternoon off. By 7:30 the lights were up, mics ready to go, all the actors were in costume and face paint and then…we were warned of a potential big storm. Since the show was to be on the outdoor stage, we made a last-minute change. Instead…it’s movie night! Bunks 1-14 watched inside the Rec Hall, and 25-30 were in the Lodge.
Of course the show will go on! We look forward to watching an amazing performance later in the week, featuring Ari, Luke P, KJ, Cooper E, Barron, Campbell, Henry M, Sawyer, Nolan, Ethan K, Max A, Henry Z, Ethan V, Max P, Levi, Alexander D, Charlie F, Theo Q, Noah P and Lincoln.