It takes an extra special lady to even consider working at an all-boys camp. At Skylemar, ours are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Just like Mary Poppins, they’re practically perfect in every way.
Each outstanding gal comes to us with an impressive background. They are top collegiate athletes, teachers, coaches, nurses and experts in their field. Most importantly, every one of them has what it takes to serve as a role model and caregiver for your most precious possession.
They’re here for the same purpose as a male counselor – to make a positive difference in the world, one boy at a time. They work just as hard, get paid the same money and their role is equally important.
But the difference is…they do it in an all-boy world.
There’s the obvious stuff, like the giggling surrounding bodily noises and the toilet seats that are never down. Then there’s Bunk 14, who may need help holding one of their salamanders. Or there’s the tennis ball that had to be pulled out from a toilet of a bunk not to be named. After all, the guys just wanted to see if it would flush…
Of course there’s the toenails that need to be clipped, and the feet that need to be scrubbed. Meds that need to be delivered because guys are just “too busy” to remember. Lost & Found that continuously needs to be picked up, signs that need to be painted, wet sheets that need to be changed before the kids finish breakfast, and little guy tears that need to be dried because from his point of view he “never gets to go first”.
Each NBC (stands for Non-Bunk Counselor) has a primary role at Skylemar like teaching swimming, boating, tennis or golf. They might be in charge of healthcare, art, cleaning, programming, office work, taking photos, serving special diets, designing gardens, speaking to parents or leading trips and campouts. But on top of that, they tackle a million other things, like putting the kids to bed, keeping them somewhat organized and being the best big sister a boy could imagine.
The ladies of Skylemar are extraordinary, and they are adored by all. They go above and beyond, and do whatever it takes to make the Skylemar machine work.
So, to the Skylemar Superwomen, we thank you. We are the luckiest to have you in our Skylemar world.