Skylemar campers have won the jackpot when it comes to their parents. There are no boys in the world who could ever be more loved or better cared for. When your son is happy, you are too. When he struggles, you are the one who feels the pain. As his greatest cheerleader and trusted confidant, you have a special way of turning things right when they go upside down.
You are the best.
Some say that parenting is difficult. Then again, no one ever said it was easy to be the one in charge. Typically, there’s a reason why those at the top make a high salary. A parent’s year-end bonus just happens to be far more valuable. You get love, hugs and pride-filled moments.
As the boss, wise decision-making is based on what’s best for the company. For a parent, that’s the family. Like a boss, a parent’s job is to make decisions for those who don’t have enough experience to do so on their own.
It all starts with hiring the right people. Your best acquisition came about the moment your son came into your life. As a great boss, you see potential and do what it takes to develop talent.
Strong bosses like you are the motivators. They build the team up, without tearing them down. They understand that fair is not necessarily the same for all. Fair is what a person needs to succeed.
The job of both a boss and a parent is to listen to complaints and consider all the factors and ramifications. They understand that the best “fixes” don’t necessarily come about through elimination. Sometimes it takes a little extra time, understanding and sensitivity to work through a situation. And of course…the boss knows that every once in a while, a tale may be told with some extra embellishment.
The best bosses are clear on goals and know what it takes to get there. They set high but achievable standards and are ready to pivot when the unexpected comes along. They understand human nature and accept that even though 100 positive things happen in a day, the two not so good are what one remembers.
As for feedback, that’s a little bit trickier. No matter how it’s packaged, no one likes to be criticized, especially by the boss. But a gentle conversation goes a very long way. A caring boss opens the door by asking, “what do you feel went right?” and “what do you feel needs improvement?”.
Respectfully and with understanding and compassion, the boss is not afraid to say no. Sounds hard, but it’s not. It’s a rule to remember. When in doubt...just say no.
The best bosses are forever adored. They are who we look up to and aspire to be. How lucky your son is, to have the greatest in the world.