A little bit of Mary Poppins. A touch of the Tooth Fairy. A favorite Auntie. The big sister you’ve always wanted.
That’s a Skylemar Tough Chick.
She’s strong, sharp, clever and beautiful, inside and out. She’s gentle, kind and just who you need when a hug is in order.
It takes a very special lady to work at an all-boys camp. First, you need talent and expertise in a particular area, like swimming or health care. Then comes the important part. You need to feel comfortable living in a boy’s world.
For instance, you need to understand when a lacrosse game takes precedence over play rehearsal or a hard-to-get orthodontist appointment. You need to notice when a boy wears a shirt two days in a row, remembering that counselors are big boys too. And of course you need to find just a teeny-tiny bit of humor in someone burping the ABC’s.
Cookie baker, jibit-buyer, bedtime story-reader. She’s tough enough to clip toenails, clean up whatever’s nasty, and go through dirty laundry in search of a missing something. And as you know, these guys are always missing something.
She’s who you turn to for solutions. Need a shirt for an intercamp game, just minutes before departure? Just ask any one of the SkyGirls, and she’ll make it happen.
They help even the most timid to feel comfortable swimming, creating and performing. They have a start-to-finish attitude every day -- set up, play, clean up, repeat. They take pride in being an influencer, making a positive difference in the world, one boy at a time.
Our heroines put the kids first. Always. They help to make others look good and be their best. For instance, the boys might not even know that three fairy princesses (Betty, Mary and Solana) appear while they're on the fields and re-clean the bunk bathrooms.
When all are dragging because of the rain, the girls dig deep and bring on the positive energy. They go the extra mile or whatever it takes to be a valuable, fun, loyal and much loved member of the Skylemar family.
So favorite SkyGirls, we love you forever. You’re practically perfect in every way.