Today was hot enough to fry an egg on the basketball court. Or so we thought. Turns out it’s not the best way to cook an egg, and instead just makes for a messy hoops period.
But at SkyDeck, they know the way to cook eggs. Bunk 2 had a great time making Egg Cups with Adam. They flattened bread and squished it into muffin tins for the crust. Adam taught them the proper way to crack an egg, and they listened intently. Noah W. did it perfectly on the first try! Next, they added crumbled turkey bacon, topped it with cheese and baked. Try it at home – they loved it!
At the Ski Dock, Walker M got right up on the boom for his first time. It doesn’t usually happen that way on the very first try, but the Ski Dock staff is especially patient. When asked how he did it, Walker said he had been watching other people since he got to camp and did exactly what they did.
For our second session guys, today was their first day of camp. It was exciting and fun to welcome new friends! They came from Maryland, DC, Mass, Maine, New York, California, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, North Carolina, and Florida. Mexico and France too! For some, English is their second language, and we know they’ll sharpen their skills this summer. Hopefully, the rest of us will learn at least a little from them... Spanish, French, Ukrainian and Arabic.
Also new today was an activity called “Throwing”. It’s directed by our phenomenal NBC (non-bunk counselor) Paige, who throws in college. Not just anything of course – it’s discus and javelin. It’s especially fascinating for all of us, because throwing a discus or javelin is something that most have only seen when watching the Olympics. We found out today that it’s definitely harder than it looks.
Third period was “Red Zone”. That’s when there are three choices for each age group that are located sort of near each other. For example, each Cub got to pick between Football, Gaga and Golf. Tigers got to pick from Baseball, STB and Mini Lax. Freshman choices were Hockey, Volleyball, Spikeball/KanJam. And so it went for the other Divisions as well.
It was a Welcome Campfire for Evening Activity. Cory, her staff and Adventure Man were as entertaining as ever. Avery sounded fantastic on the guitar, and we all sang along with “Lean on Me”. Funniest skit of the night was the JC’s. They came out of the woods wearing togas and did some kind of rain dance.
We sure do need the rain. Hoping for some tomorrow!