You have to change your sheets.
It’s one of those things that most boys can’t wrap their heads around. Saturday is sheet-changing day, and one boy asked, “but if I did it last week do I have to do it today?”. Name withheld to protect the adorable.
This time we had some leverage. If you wanted to go to the all-camp social tonight, you needed to change your sheets. That incentive got the job done.
The once-again sweltering hot day included the full variety of activities on land and water. Those at the Olympic Training Center (aka The Gym) never gave up, despite the high temperatures. Coach Mitch, our Strength & Conditioning Director, runs an outstanding and age-appropriate program that the boys love.
They also look forward to a special period called “Chocolate Factory”. The activity has four parts: learning, cooking, eating and giving. The learning part covered the history of chocolate, and they queried how the Mayans and Aztecs ever thought of turning cacao beans into something delicious. They did blindfold taste-testing of chocolate with different percentages of cocoa. That was easy – the tastiest had the lowest cocoa and highest sugar.
The cooking part involved melting the chocolate, and then dipping strawberries, pretzels and Oreos into it. They made some for themselves, and then some for another bunk as a surprise. That’s the giving part.
Meanwhile, a Swim Meet covering all age Divisions, and tourneys in 15U Volleyball, 11U Baseball, 10U and 13U Soccer, and 14U Lacrosse had many traveling in and out of camp. The 13U boys swept through untarnished and brought us another Championship trophy, but all teams represented Skylemar well. Our Intercamp athletes are especially proud to wear the Red and Gray…. and we’re proud of them all too!
We were especially proud of our gentlemen tonight at that social mentioned above. It was the Fernwood/Skylemar All-Camp, which has become an annual event over the years. Each summer we alternate locations, and this time we got to make the trip to Fernwood. The kickoff was a counselor contest, and our team was out to impress. It was a happy night of dinner and hanging out together. Or in many cases hanging out separately but looking at each other. (wink!)