What comes to mind when you think of Maine? Lobster! Even if you don’t eat them, it’s fun to learn about them.
The Lions Division headed to Portland for a Lucky Catch Lobster Tour. Before heading to the pier, they played Buoyball and had a picnic lunch at Payson Park. It’s a beautiful spot that overlooks the Back Bay.
While they were on the pier waiting for the boat to dock, a special guest spoke to them about clean energy and offshore wind projects. Luke McD shouted: “Let’s go for clean energy!” and it made the day of the Offshore Wind Project Coordinator.
The crew of Lucky Catch is super nice as well as informative. The boys got to pull lobster traps and learned the correct way to hold them without getting pinched. They used a special tool to put the thick rubber bands around their claws.
Interestingly, it takes about seven years for a lobster to be old enough to eat. The boys used a measuring instrument to determine the age. There has to be 3.25 inches between the head and the tail.
Some thoughtful questions were asked of the crew. Henry DS asked if fishermen supported each other when working or does everyone totally do their own thing? Turns out they do help each other quite a bit, and there’s a lot of sharing going on. Bait for example.
Back at camp…
Not only did we have plenty of fun at Skylemar, but a lucky thing happened. Oliver G (B13) was swimming and he saw something sparkle. He dove down and found a gold ring. Turns out Jake P (B22) had lost it a year ago! It was a special ring that his father had given him, and now it’s back where it belongs.
It was the annual Staff All-Star Game for Evening Activity – except this time the guys decided to switch it up from Softball on the Freddie Pierce to Basketball on the Blacktop. And what a show they put on!
Led by maybe the greatest summer Hoop staff ever assembled, the Trickey Pond Penguins took on the Hilltop Hippos in a game that went down to the final ticks of the clock. A couple of late 3s in the final 20 seconds brought the Hippos from behind to win it. There were mascots, “concession stand” popsicles, Slam Dunk and 3-point Shooting Contests, raffles and prizes. Pregame, in-game and on-court interviews from sportscasters Elton and Jared R kept everyone interested and informed.
The break at Halftime gave the Stars a chance to make a half-court shot… and on their 4th attempt, Lucas V did just that, calmly sinking one that set off a wild celebration.
The players displayed their superb ball handling skills and drained 3s from all over, but the spectacular, high-flying acrobatic dunks excited everyone most. Music pumped throughout - the place was rockin’ -- and the vibe: Electric!
Thank you to the captains (brothers Myke and Noah) – and your teammates for not only giving us such a super fun evening, but for bringing the same energy to the courts all summer long.
Trickey Pond Penguins Hilltop Hippos
Noah Myke
Gideon DQ
Zay DT
Pac-Man Eli
Barney Unc
Dut Henry
Frog (mascot penguin) Lippy (mascot hippo)
PS. DQ won the Slam Dunk Contest with a spectacular, off-the-bounce, 360, windmill jam from down under -- and in an upset of sorts, Baseball Director Unc shot his way to the 3-point title. Who knew?