The Daily Schedule:
There’s a brand-new version on each table every morning. At first glance it looks complicated, but it’s an easy second language for any Skylemar camper or counselor. Here’s how it works:
Across the top are the bunk numbers, 1-30. Green means that one counselor is off. Down the left side are the period numbers, 1-7.
If you happen to be in Bunk 11, you’d put those lines together and figure out that you have Hoops first period and Lax for second. Then comes 3rd Period Clinic, which is the choice of Backwoods, Baseball, Challenge Course, Chilltop, Football and so forth. Continuing down you’d see that Waterfront is 4th/5th period, and 6th period is Spikeball/Kan Jam. 7th period choices are Baseball, Football, Gaga, Golf, Hockey and onward. Super Game Show is for Evening Activity, and a happy birthday to Alex G and counselor DMan!
Now for the deeper dive, since there’s much more to know. Starting at the top left, you’d see that it’s a Letter Writing Day. Going across is information for counselors: who’s off, who has Foot Patrol (the person who patrols the cabins and makes sure everyone’s where they’re supposed to be), and a “cheat sheet” for period start times. The black bar at the bottom has additional staff assignments.
Counselors also need to scan each line left to right, to see when they’re working. For example, first period is Waterfront for Bunks 1-6 and 8-10, and the names of the 20 counselors on duty are listed. Same goes for each sport.
The bold black line in the middle refers to play rehearsal, as well as several other duties. Below it is the Rest Hour shower schedule.
The beauty of all of this is that the paper is only for your perusal. Each period is announced on the PA system, so that everyone knows exactly where to go without remembering anything.
You’re familiar with most of the activities, but here’s a few on this one sample day schedule that you may not know about:
Maine Wildlife Adventure - A trip to a zoo for animals that can’t be returned to the wild because they’ve been injured or orphaned.
Chocolate Factory – That’s where you make sweet treats for your own cabin as well as an older cabin.
Gainsville – Strength and conditioning with athletic trainer Nick of New England Fitness.
Chilltop – Arts & Crafts with Mary Beth. Today the kids are making signs for the Portland Sea Dogs game coming up.
SkyPines – Overnight camping down by the water at Sky II. Here the boys go fishing, play games, cook dinner on the open fire, and learn about the beautiful outdoors.
SkyDeck – Culinary Arts with Adam. Each day a different cabin gets to make breakfast, and another gets to cook dinner.
Senior Special - The surprise on the 7th period list of choices. Tonight, Nick Shep had a radar gun competition. Henry S threw the fastest pitch and Sherm had the fastest lax shot.
So there you go. Now you’ve got it. But look out, because tomorrow’s will be totally different!