It’s the Polar Bear Swim!
76 campers in Bunks 1-15 signed up to swim across the lake this morning. They woke up at 6AM, and the first group was in the water by 6:45. 30 staff members also woke up early to accompany them for safety, swimming with the kids and in boats.
It was a huge accomplishment, especially for the younger half of camp. They ended up at Bunk 71 (aka The Fink’s House), where a donut and a really cool Bunk 71 bracelet awaited. Boat rides back, and all are ready for breakfast!
Congrats to Anton, Fernando, Paul, Julian, Lincoln, Charlie, Billy, 2 Everett’s, Jonah P, Theo Q, Micah, Benny, 2 Seths, Brantley, 4 Alex’s, Morgan, Eli W, 3 Henry’s, Max W, Quinn, Federico, James P, Max R, Noah W, Connor N, Liam, Isiah, 3 Dylan’s, Levi, Dae, Hendrik, Tiago, Robbie, 2 Luke’s, Marcus, Mac, Diego G, Emmett, Logan, Grant, Royal, Elijah, Ka’Mari, Aiden, Lionel, Declan, Cambell, Ezra, Jack, Spencer, Hunter, Grady, Mason, Colin, Solo, Miles, Oliver G, Dash, Elliott, Jacob W, Noah L, Leo V, Max A, Ari, Barron, Ethan V and Bash.
Bunk 16 and up swim the Polar Bear tomorrow!
Clinic Sign-ups were just before lunch. Commercials were funny as usual, with lots of guest stars. SkyDeck and SkyPines combined to make SkyDines. That’s cooking on the open fire. Down at Trickey, the Ski Dock will rock as the “Wake Dock” specializing in wakesurfing and wakeboarding. “The Monster Challenge”, another perennial favorite at the Swim Dock, is a real test - a course that includes jumping off the Pontoon tower and conquering the Iceberg and Beast in a race against the clock. The Sail Dock will add a little something extra to its kayaking, paddle boarding, and sailing – the pontoon boat will drop anchor in a few special Pond spots for snorkeling.
SkyTennis will work on how to close out matches with an improved overhead smash to finish off points. Our Basketball guys will focus on dribbling and ball handling skills. Football will expand those skills dependent on the legs – route running and being elusive with the ball. “British Open” Golf, “Anything Volleyball” and “El Jefe” Hockey will allow for further development (and fun) in each of those regimens. Track and Field will concentrate on building overall athleticism and introduce plyometrics to the equation.
Shep’s Great Adventure is a backstage tour of all the places that campers typically don’t go to at Skylemar. They’ll learn about the water system, freezers, basement and costume attic. The Lax group will play a 3 v 3 Mini-Lax tourney and Baseball will prep for upcoming Intercamp action. The “Lippy Zippy Zipline” clinic down at SkyRopes sounds like a lot of fun. “Recyclateria” was advertised with guys wearing “Boxbot” costumes made out of boxes. They’ll make sculptures and games out of recyclables. DMan’s “SkySportsCenter” hopes to have the kids produce an episode like ESPN’s own broadcast, from start to finish. Quite a week 3 lineup!
The Ring of Champions Campfire was one of the greatest tonight. The highlight was the Stars doing a skit called Roman Water Ritual. They dressed up in togas, played Zen music and looked serious as they circled the crowd. Then they’d stop, take a sip of water, and squirted the water in the air. It was kind of like a human water fountain. When Adventure Man came, he made a point of reminding us that it’s only ok to spit water if you’re in a skit -- kind of like a “don’t try this at home” warning. Then he taught us what to do in case of a nosebleed. He also pulled out the Applause-o-meter to measure the cheers as to what’s more helpful…duct tape or zip ties. Which is your favorite?