You know that universal symbol that looks like taffy pulling with your hands? It’s the way the director tells the news anchor to stretch out the segment. Stretching is also what a camp director does during morning announcements, in hopes that the rain subsides enough for the kids to go back to their cabins for clean-up.
Athletic Director Mitch handled that masterfully after breakfast, while Shep was down at the lake working with a diver at anchoring some new giant inflatables. Since all the intercamp games and other outdoor events had to be canceled, (it was some serious rain today), there wasn’t too much to talk about. So…he called on Waterfront Director Peter (who happens to be a bird-calling expert) to teach us all how to sound like an owl. Moose demonstrated some dog tricks in exchange for scrambled eggs. Luci taught all how to wrap a towel around your waist after a shower in a way that stays tight -- the secret is rolling at the top. The #1 stretcher was Barney and counselor Ty “shadow boxing”. It’s definitely the in-thing so far this summer, thanks to TikTok. Check it out, because the game seems to be a part of being cool these days.
There was no stopping the rain though, so we moved right into a Rainy Day Schedule. Catapult Making was super-fun in the Rec Hall. Each boy worked hard on his popsicle stick model. There was plenty of action in the Gym, and games of Pool, Ping Pong and Foosball in the Lodge. Egg Dropping from the second floor where the Kitchen Crew lives was really exciting. They wrapped eggs in bubble wrap and whatever else, to see what it took for the egg to land without cracking. There were dozens of board games played in the Garden Cabin. Several even helped Blake order food for the kitchen. They're now ready to be contestants on "The Price is Right". The Pavilion was a hot spot for Karaoke. Kids singing Karaoke is one of the cutest things ever for an adult to watch.
On an all-out rainy day like this one we come up with all kinds of creative ideas for those under the age of 13. It’s really important to get them out of the bunk, so that cabin fever (which leads to balls going through screens) doesn’t set in. Instead of relaxing when it rains, energy seems to be at an all-time high. On the other hand, our Seniors and Stars over at Sky II take advantage of the weather for plenty of napping or perhaps some weight-lifting over at the Gym.
Good food always helps to turn around moods when the weather doesn’t cooperate. The special surprise was Make-Your-Own-Sundae Buffet in the afternoon. The Stars Division did the serving, while everyone else filled their bowls to the brim with candy toppings. Don’t worry – this only happens once a season.
Our dinner guests were sisters and cousins who attend nearby camps. We invite them twice a summer, in hopes that the girls can come at least once. Two hours is the perfect amount of time... just enough but not too much.
The heroes of today (and every day) are our Counselors. Think about how challenging it is to be on vacation with the kids and it rains every day. Or even just what it would be like to have 8 kids of your own in a one-room apartment. What about that sleepover party you host just once a year, and all that goes into it? Skylemar counselors host a party round-the-clock, every day and night.
When it rains, the workload doubles for a Counselor. As you know, boys thrive with space to run and play outdoors. When the weather throws a curveball, that knocks out the running and playing.
So, it was well-deserved break time for our team of super-heroes. While the older guys had Socials, the rest of the kids got to watch movies in assorted areas around camp. We hope that the pitter patter on the cabin roof lulls them to sleep with the happiest of dreams.