Gigi, Nanny, Abuela, Mooma. Pops, Gramps, Saba, Paw Paw. Ga, Honey, Ducky. Pap Pap, Popsicle, Ha Ha.
If you ask a Skylemar boy what he calls his grandma or grandpa, his face lights up. He glows with adoration and is eager to share the special name. Although just about all live far from here, our unconditional friends like Grammy, Poppo, Baba and Bubbles are VIPs in the Skylemar world.
Grandparents are the ones we missed most on Visiting Day. Thank you for understanding that this just wasn’t the year. Nevertheless, your love-waves were with us from the lake to Sky II.
The boys warmly talk about adventures with Nanna, Nonnie, Abuelo or Grumpy. Mimi bakes the best banana muffins, and Poppy lets us play in his hot tub. Grumpy teaches card games and gambling, while YaYa doesn’t make us eat healthy foods. Most importantly, Pipa, Opa, Sir and Popsy know what we know… that the gift of time is what a child values most.
Grandparents are our forever cheerleaders, and every boy is grateful. Bragging is perfectly fine when you lend an ear. Whether it’s about sports, a play or something that was crafted, Grandy, GPK, Bubbi and Fluffy are always proud. Near, far or up in Heaven, each of us is lucky to be guided by your watchful eye.
Thank you Memaw, Meme, Nonno and Dude for believing in Camp Skylemar, and for making this summer possible. In more ways than one, we couldn’t be here without you!
Lovey, Birdy, Jaddi and Buddy. Geebee, Obo, Zayde and Gdaddy. Can't forget Lolly & Pop!