They’re here! The greatest parents in the whole wide world!
Despite numerous plane delays and cancellations, and even though a local parade stopped traffic for what seemed like forever, 400-some guests made it to Skylemar today. Those who were able to join us were treated to a running-leap-into-a-giant hug. Love waves were in the air, along with the heat and high humidity.
Campers proudly showed off for those they love most on the fields, courts and waterfront. The staff truly appreciated that parents were spectators while the kids played, so that the day could be as “sky-normal” as possible.
For those not able to join us, don’t worry! Your son was adopted by hundreds and lavished with love as well. In fact, a few told their parents that there’s no need to come next year – Luci gives presents.
We were impressed by those who kept up with the Skylemar pace, moving from place to place, sport to sport. All were exhausted, but as you know, boys have a way of just going and going. Every tear was dried by the time the guys climbed through the giant obstacle course, jumped across the “Big Baller”, and tried to “dunk” their favorite staff member. It was back to regular camp life at the Drive-In Movie, except for some little guys who fell asleep right on the grass.
Thank you for coming, and for respecting the rules of Parent Visiting Day. OK, maybe some of you broke the one about bringing no more food than can be consumed in two days (wink wink).
But no matter what, he and we love you, to the Sky and back.