John Lennon had it right. All you need is love. And we had plenty of it at Skylemar today.
Whether you were here spreading the positive vibes or you sent them from home, love was in the air. We believe that there are no boys in the universe more adored than those who go to Skylemar.
The balmy, wonderful day was “just right”. Thanks to our rule-following guests, all went according to plan. The boys had the opportunity to do exactly what we had hoped – show off. We’re especially proud of them, and know you are too.
Sure, there were some tears, but we also were surprisingly impressed by the strength and bounce-back-ability that the boys demonstrated. By the time we walked over to the roller rink at the Carnival, everyone was their regular joyful self. It was if we had turned on a switch.
Movie Night was BYOT (bring your own treats), and everyone was glad to share. That was a lot considering the number of snow cones downed at the Carnival, so there might be a tummy ache or two. Sweetest part of the day was when a camper brought down a bag of food to donate to charity, even though we hadn’t even thought about collecting yet.
The “World of Change” collection was a positive part of the day too. If you’d like more information about this nonprofit, go to Collecting change is an easy way to get kids involved with helping others, and with WOC 100% of donations go towards kid’s causes.
As we know, life is about making good decisions. One of those good ones was when we listened to Dr. Jeff, who encouraged us to host Visiting Day from a medical perspective. We’re grateful to him for guiding us every day.
Most of all, we’re grateful to you. Thank you for entrusting us to care for your most precious possession. We cherish this honor forever and always.