If you’re the parent of one of the 28 campers in the Stars Division who were not elected Captain, we know what you might be thinking…
He wanted this more than anything in the world. He must be devastated. Is he ok?
Perhaps he was a standout kid who’s been told he was “Captain material” for years. Or maybe he was a like all the others, who quietly hoped for the miracle of being elected.
No matter what, there were some disappointed Stars last night. No question, a few were stunned to learn that they weren’t chosen. Some fought back tears as they were consoled in the back of the room.
So what did happen to the heartbroken ones when the rest of camp left the Rec Hall? They walked arm-in-arm back to Sky II, talking about the night and the Color War days ahead. They were good because they had each other. It’s true – we checked. 2021 was no different than 1948 or any year in between.
They accept, they bounce back, and they become the best team leaders in the whole wide world. Through their many years at Skylemar, they’ve learned a foundational lesson of leadership which can only be taught through experience. That is…you don’t need a title to be a strong leader.
The desire to be your best and do for others comes from within. It’s a passion that burns inside, that’s shared by the people who make it happen, as compared to those who just watch it happen.
It's 24 hours later, and the 2021 Election is an event of the past. Now it’s time to focus on the games, songs and team spirit for the days ahead.
As this is typed, the Red and Gray Captains, along with their First Lieutenants, are hidden away drafting the teams. They go through each Division selecting every teammate, with Shep there to officiate but never to influence.
If the Captains do their job well tonight, the teams will be perfectly matched and ideal for fair play. There are no adults micromanaging, arranging or adjusting. The kids elect the Captains, and the Captains draft the teams. As mentioned last night, it’s no surprise to any camper that siblings could be separated and cabin mates as well. We promise…it works.
Once the draft is finalized, the Captains will put a red or gray ribbon under the pillow of each team member. It's memorable, meaningful and magical ... just a few hours 'til morning!