Parents are the most important people in the world to their son. But no matter how hard they try, there’s one thing they can never be -- a Skylemar JC.
Through the lens of a camper, the JC’s (which stands for Junior Counselor) are pretty much the coolest guys ever. They’re Skylemar grads, who return in sort of a hybrid position. They live together at Hilltop and spend part of the day playing sports with the oldest guys. The rest of the day is spent as the “big brother” to a cabin of little guys. They’re with them at meals, Rest Hours, Evening Activities and other times in between. What they offer the kids is the best gift of all – their time.
JCs are fun. Take tonight for example. It was Campfire Night, but it couldn’t be at the Ring of Champions because of the rain. Instead we were in the Rec Hall. Cory was as amazing as ever with her “Princess Pat” and “Banana” song. Aiden and Sarah were awesome on the guitar singing “Take Me To Church” by Hozier, and Adventure Man intrigued by teaching all how to make a poncho out of a trash bag.
But the super funny and impressive part was when the JCs were involved. First, they did the synchronized swim skit. You may have seen it before, where a blue tarp is held up and they pretend to be swimming in a pool. But this was better than usual because they set up mattresses on the other side, allowing them to “dive” right in. Everyone loved it.
Even better was the JCs “C2C Rap” that followed. It went like this:
[Verse 1 - Malibu Fru]
Yo, gather 'round, Skylemar fam, let's make it clear,
C2C, yeah that’s the motto we hold dear,
It's cool to care for others, that's our vibe,
Welcoming all, spreading love worldwide.
[Verse 2 - Jack C]
Teaching skills, we got it goin' on,
Passin' knowledge, makin' bonds strong,
From archery to arts, we share the know-how,
C2C in action, watch us now.
[Verse 3 - Eli K]
Good manners never go out of style,
Holdin' doors, lettin' others smile,
Respect and kindness, that's our stance,
C2C means giving everyone a chance.
[Verse 4 - Zach O]
Jake, Jack, Eli, we're in the game,
But hold up, here comes Grant, bringin' the flame,
As a camp united, hand in hand, (hold up the C2C hand sign)
C2C brothers, we make Skylemar grand.
[Verse 5 - Grant N]
Skylemar's our home, we protect and cherish,
From sunrise to sunset, we never let it perish,
Caring for our camp, in every little way,
It’s in our hearts, every single day.
[Verse 6 - Burnie]
I'm Burnie, oh yeah, the campfire's gettin' hotter,
C2C spreadin', like wildfire, not water,
Camp Skylemar, oh, it’s the place to be,
Cool to care, it's our united decree.
[Verse 7 - All]
Cool2Care, Skylemar's motto blazing,
Caring for others, for ourselves, and Sky fam’s raising,
JC squad up here standing with pride,
Spreading love and care our way far and wide.
So remember, Sky fam, as we ignite,
C2C in our hearts, shining so bright,
At campfire tonight, let the world see,
Cool2Care, the motto that sets us free.
Campers truly look up to JC’s, and this year’s group are outstanding role models. Over the years they’ve been a group that has continuously made us proud, and we’re glad they’re back in 2023.
Sports Highlight
Over at the Hejduk diamond at Sky II, we hosted a 12U Baseball tourney that ran most of the day. In Game 1 of their AM/PM double-header, our squad found themselves locked up in a scoreless pitcher’s duel into the last inning. Sam P reached base to open the bottom half of the last inning, stole 2nd, and scored on a walk-off, head-first slide a few moments later to win it for us, 1-0. Both Cooper’s E & F were dominant on the mound throughout, combining for the shutout. In Game 2, the offense came alive after falling behind 4-2 early, tied it up late, then were on the verge of the double-header sweep… until the threat of a storm ended our own threat (2 on, none out) and play was called at 4-apiece.