Welcome Home.
It’s the phrase that Shep combines with a warm hug when each person gets to camp. No marketing tag line here – it’s simply the truth. Camp Skylemar is summer home to the greatest guys in the whole wide world. Yup – we keep repeating that phrase too, because it’s also the truth.
Today we welcomed home guys from Germany, England, Mexico plus 22 states in the US. Those places get added to our current roster of origins which also includes Spain, France, Venezuela and Austria. Boys of all different sizes, shapes, hair styles, likes and not-so-much’s. What ties us together is a Cool2Care attitude and a willingness to try all the different activities that Skylemar has to offer.
Sports is our vehicle of positive change. It’s not about being a great athlete, but more about trying your best and the take-aways that come with the experience. For example, waterskiing -- it might look like just getting up. But it’s really about taking a safe chance, listening skills, focus, independence, trust and being self-reliant. Those waiting on the dock learn to encourage others, foster relationships and how to help someone feel better when things don’t go to plan. That’s how we build confidence, Skylemar-style.
It’s amazing how most who arrived this afternoon already seem comfortable and at ease. We’re excited to take on the first day of real camp with them in the morning!