It’s a refreshing way to jump-start the day - the Polar Bear swim!
62 campers from Bunks 1-14 woke up at 6:30 AM and made their way down to the lake. The entire waterfront staff plus many additional volunteers saw that everyone was safe and comfortable for this annual event.
Trickey Pond is over two miles in length and about a half a mile across. Polar Bears are the brave ones who swim across, from the Skylemar docks to Bunk 71. Bunk 71 is the summer house on the other side, owned by the Finkelstein family.
Lifeguards swim alongside the boys, and counselors kayak right behind, just in case you need to hold on for a rest. Once you get to the other side, Aaron and Leslie are there with donuts for the tired bears. The motor boats bring you back over, all in time for breakfast. A special surprise while heading back to camp was seeing a family of loons, who were clearly confused by so many people in their swim area.
The weather was pleasant – not too hot and not rainy, so pretty much every activity was played. Nate C (B28) caught the biggest fish at SkyPines. While many were enjoying baseball, tennis, basketball and lacrosse, others were tie-dyeing shirts or painting faces. Bunks 4, 5, 22, 23 and 24 went Ice Skating in a rink that’s just 10 miles away.
There was no 6th period, because we’re having company! For these guests a shower was in order, or at the very least, a clean T-shirt...or maybe, just maybe a hair brushing?
Pouring out of school buses and vans came 200+ girls from Camp Fernwood. It was our turn to host the annual event, and we were proud to do so. Tonight Skylemar became more beautiful than ever!
At first it was a football field with Fernwood on one side... Skylemar on the other. Everyone stared at each other, with equal amounts of whispers and giggles. The ladies took a few steps towards the guys, and the guys took a few steps back. Again and again, until our team ran out of space. Not to worry - we were saved by the siblings, who each crossed the invisible border to join the other. This broke the ice, and for the most part, you might say we became a co-ed camp, at least for a few hours.
Following a delish dinner, Counselor Karaoke was impressive and funny too. Staff from both camps provided excellent entertainment. Our guys cheered wildly when someone in the SkyFamily took their turn. From there the Stars and Seniors went to the lake for boat rides and hanging out. The rest played yard games, volleyball, badminton, tennis, mini golf, crafts at Chilltop, and some more singing.
Speaking of singing, we were reminded tonight about how much girls like to sing. And giggle. And scream. No doubt, they’d win in a decibel contest.
In the end, even those who had little to do with the girls admitted that they had a great time. The boys who were “lucky” proudly showed others that they had gotten a phone number. Funny thing is, both camps don’t allow phone calls. Then again, it’s more about the “win”.