It was a stormy start to the day. After Inspection, we moved into Rainy Day Activities. There was a Karaoke Party in the Lodge, Lego Land in the Gym, and a movie in the Rec Hall. The oldest guys had “bunk games”, which is the code word for “sleep”.
The skies cleared by midday, just in time for our sisters at Camp Mataponi to visit. They stayed for lunch, and their brothers gave them a tour of Skylemar. Meanwhile, our boys with sisters at Camp Fernwood went out for ice cream. For those of you with daughters at either of the two camps, rest assured that we found them to be beautiful and happy!
Just before dinner, long after the girls left, a giant storm blew in... lots of thunder and lightning. In fact, the flagpole in front of the office took a direct hit. The electricity went out, but we have a couple of giant generators that kicked on immediately. Amazingly, the storm left as quick as it came. We were even able to have our Talent Show outside as planned.
Like the first Talent Show, the audience was appreciative and supportive. Everyone cheered no matter what, and there were rounds of “high fives” for all the performers. Plus there was a prize from the Super Prize Bag for each who went on stage.
What’s different about this Talent Show is the slight shift in the vibe. Now that we’ve been brothers for a month, no one has the slightest hesitation about performing in front of the crowd. After all, we’re family.
Ethan V opened the show with breakdancing. Next came Sawyer and Chase with their exercise skit. Best part was Sawyer cracking up. Charlie L and Wes K played a duet on the piano -"Heart & Soul”, of course. Henry G gave us a Skylemar first... blindfolded Origami. Cutest part was that he duct-taped the inside of his sunglasses (hopefully not Ray-Bans) so that he couldn't see.
Carter S and Mason M wore matching Skylemar uniforms as they sang together. They looked and sounded great. Theo G, Atticus and Jake K mesmerized us with diabolo tricks. Very impressive! Isaac F asked a volunteer from the audience to give him three random words which he’d include in his freestyle rap. Kareem gave him “hot”, “random”, and “blue”, and... he did it!
Kudos to counselor Tojo for choreographing an adorable dance for Bunk 1. Cutest part of this one was seven-year-old Beckett saying, “We’ve got this, guys!” to his bunkmates as they headed to “the green room” (the side porch).
Cooper F, Archie, TI and Spencer B acted out a dunk contest. Brothers Eli and Noah W sang beautifully to “What A Wonderful World”. Jonah K and Everett played the piano beautifully, and Owen B and Lionel did a super-quick baseball handshake.
Rubik’s Cubes continue to make a showing at the Talent Show, year after year. Tonight, Dillon F showed his Rubik’s talent, and James T played piano music in the background as Dash H and Miles B lined up the colors on their cube.
Emmett P and Elliott R did a magic trick with a disappearing rock. Spencer S, Walker W and LT showed off some fantastic dancing. Cole S did a stand-up comedy act. Max P, Hayes, Orlando and Asher did lots of practicing before they performed. They wrote and sang an original camp song, accompanied by Asher on the piano.... who then played again for JJ, who sang his own original rap.
Skylemar’s best dancer, Kyle Y-A, did the Cha Cha Slide, and the audience joined in. Kyle always makes it look easy.
Congratulations to all our Skylemar stars. You made us so proud!