It was a fairly typical sweltering hot day in the 04055 -- lots of waterfront action and shortened periods with plenty of shade time. The sprinklers were on (today they were elephants), and refreshing treats were served. Lemon Sticks are an annual popular surprise here. It’s half a lemon with a soft peppermint stick in the middle as a “straw”. Peppermint and lemon juice make a great combo.
It was the kinda day best suited for taking it slow, playing some board games and maybe sipping on a cold drink. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…so we did. We had a case of them, so Lillie and Myke shook up some delicious ice-cold cupfuls.
Sky II Lobster Lunch today, over at the Lodge. There were big red lobsters, corn on the cob, chicken, salads and lots more. It’s something that the oldest of camp really look forward to.
What made today different is that it’s actually one of the most important of the entire year. If you ever went to Skylemar, then you’d know what we mean. Just after 7th period was what we’ve been chanting about for days --
24 candidates in the Stars Division, each of the highest integrity... experienced, honest, intelligent, fair, compassionate and likable. If only our country had options like these!
Here’s how it happened…
We sat by Bunk in our most sacred space, the Rec Hall. This “house” holds the greatest guys in the whole wide world, as well as their amazing counselors.
Shep explained how our tradition holds that the participants in Color War are the ones to decide who leads both the Red and Gray teams. Each camper has two votes by secret ballot.
Skylemar’s Color War is based on the spirit of fair play and friendship. It’s perhaps one of the few times you’ll be competing hard both with and against those who you truly care about.
All competition happens outside of the cabin. Because the Captains draft by Division, it’s possible that brothers and close friends are on different teams. There could be one camper in a bunk on one team while the rest are on the other. It’s not an issue, because our Color War is kept out of the bunk.
Color War is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate Cool2Care. It’s natural to be happy when you win and disappointed when you lose, but the key is to not overreact. It’s fine to share your emotions, until you react so much that it affects someone else’s fun.
Shep explained that tonight we’ll be electing our two Captains. Each camper’s vote carries the same weight. He asked all former Captains from years past in the room to stand. Only a couple did so. Then he asked all who were on the ballot but did not become Captain to stand. Many did so. “This", Shep announced, ”is your Skylemar honor roll”.
Those on the ballot voted first, then headed out to the Garden Cabin so the rest of camp could vote secretly. Once they left, each bunk was called to the stage where every camper wrote two names on a slip of paper, then dropped his ballot into the white pickle box.
After all had voted, Shep read the names on each ballot, one-by-one aloud. One more than half the total number of Color War participants was needed to win. Before long (in fact, it was the shortest Election in Skylemar history), we had our two Captains – Harry and Will Snyder. As each ran inside, he was mobbed by adoring fans.
It was also the first time in our history that identical twins were elected. Skylemar campers since the age of 8, we know that Will and Harry will be phenomenal leaders. And we’re confident that their wonderful mother in heaven is beaming with pride.
As the Stars all returned inside the Rec Hall, they moved to the back and “chained it up” (linking arms). The coin flips that followed determined the choice of color (Will is Red, Harry is Gray) as well as the order for selecting their Stars Lieutenants. Red chose Zane Black and Carson Ray while Gray selected Cosme and Jared Rosenblatt to help lead their teams.
It felt like there was a little less disappointment in the air on the part of the other Stars this year as compared to others. Of course, some had hopes that they would be chosen as Captain or a Lieutenant. But it’s hard to dispute the leadership potential of Harry and Will, and every Star will be proud to be on either team. After all, it’s the players who make it happen.