You could feel it in the air this morning as the camp gathered for Clinic Sign-ups. The sun was shining, and we all felt especially comfortable and at ease together. Three hundred-some brothers, ages 7 to 27, smiling, laughing and singing along to “I’m A Believer” by Smash Mouth. Wish you were there to see the invisible love waves.
Counselors presented their commercials, and each time they went to the stage the kids cheered for their own. “That’s my counselor!” Bode shouted.
First up was our phenomenal golf pro, Steve. Before talking about his upcoming Color War Prep Golf Clinic, Steve presented the Gold Golf Club award to the one who was most dedicated for the past week. Congratulations to Nate F (B6)!
Counselor Milly advertised his Archery Clinic, which will include "Big Game Hunt and King of the Court" - somehow played without a court. The Challenge Course counselors performed a rap-style commercial. Never disappointing with plenty of showmanship to spare, Trickey Pond's Ski Dock crew offered “The Best There Ever Was”. Other choices down at Trickey were the Sailing Clinic and “Sky Try” where you'll get the chance to break new swimming records.
Lacrosse welcomed both new players and veterans. They’ll work on how to shoot on the run as well as with your off hand. Football offered “The Punt, Pass and Catch Challenge”. “Soccer Team Prep” will cover passing, shadowing, technical finishing and shooting. SkyPines offered orienteering and fishing for those who haven’t had the opportunity yet.
Gamblin’ in the Gym will include custom workouts. Those who sign up for Suzie’s Theatre Tech Clinic will get to build giant candy pieces for the play “Willy Wonka”. '3v3' Basketball is always popular, thanks to our super great hoops counselors.
Shep’s Reading Clinic is a great way to relax and enjoy a good book (or maybe not exactly “good”, but what you have to read for school). Most exciting was Adam and Blake Shep’s “Kitchen Tools Clinic”. You get a tour of the big kitchen and learn how everything works. You even get to help Blake put in a Sysco order!
The hardest part is deciding which Clinic to select. It’s definitely an independent choice, and it’s really interesting to see where everyone’s going for the next five days during third period.
Lots of sports action in the afternoon. The Cubs had a great time off camp for a Berry Picking Bonanza. They went to a private farm and picked enough blueberries for our breakfast tomorrow.
Dinner was delayed due to the weirdest weather yet. A hail storm! Then the skies cleared, and the meal was a favorite – cookout!
Spirit Night for Evening Activity. Once again, those love waves were in the air. Bunk 11 led the program, and their own Matthew D got honorable mention for the Cool2Care award. New camper Daniel M of Bunk 13 did too. Congrats to Nick N (B15) for being awarded the Cool2Care Chain. He was nominated for being “always nice and he speaks up when someone needs them to”. The second chain went to Ben R (B19) for being “a perfect friend, never mean or rude”.
Lily’s Spirit Night sermonette echoed Shep’s reading about Jon Bon Jovi. Both Lily and Jovi realized that so much of what they learned through sports applied to life overall. Lily’s final point resonated with many in the audience. She said, “You don’t play sports to become a professional athlete. You play them to become the most professionally kind, compassionate and well-rounded person you can be.”