Once again Mother Nature gave us a picturesque, sunny beautiful Maine morning as the boys anxiously prepared for today’s final events. On the strength of last night’s Songs and Cheers win, Gray led by just a few points, though the outcome was still clearly in doubt. The boys were a bit more torqued up for this, the final day, anticipating our legendary final closing event this afternoon. Maybe this last morning of activities would paint a different picture when done, so out they went after the regular morning rituals.
Gray pushed ahead with a 4-0 win in Sophomores Soccer and a pair of wins in Juniors Hoops. When Gray also won the first of two Juniors Football contests, Red was reeling. But in Game 2, they mounted a 4th quarter comeback for the ages, erasing a 2 touchdown deficit with 3 late scores to win 52-45 and start another Red run. Wins in Seniors Tennis and Tigers Golf and Bocce kept in going before Gray’s little guys scored a run in the bottom of the last inning to break a 2-2 tie and win Cubs/Lions Baseball 3-2. But Red came right back with a pair of wins in Freshmen Hockey to take the morning, cutting into Gray’s slight lead even more. Then came the announcement that Red had won the all-camp cumulative Archery point (each camper shot throughout the week) and unbelievably, with only the climactic finale left to settle it, we were for all intents and purposes, dead even. Incredible! We were right back where we started when Harry and Will were elected just a week ago – and ready for the big finale.
The Vince Lombari Trophy (NFL). The Commissioner’s Trophy (MLB). The Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy (NBA). The Stanley Cup (NHL). The FIFA World Cup Trophy. These are what the athletes in each of the 5 major world sports play for in football, baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer. Winning one is the ultimate goal of all who participate and with it might come fame and fortune, and the adulation of fans far and wide all over the world. The residuals are endless. Whether the Super Bowl, World Series, or any other, none can compare to what comes with winning – and losing – this afternoon’s closing spectacle to our Color War…TUGS OF WAR.
We don’t play for any trophies. No tangible rewards come from it, yet your boys will talk about it for the rest of their lives. Even more so, the ultimate reward for battling with and against your brothers for the last 5 days is that when the cheers and tears are gone, the love takes over. And it really only takes about five minutes for all to get there. If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to experience it in person, whether camper, staff member or even Director, or feel it vicariously through your child, a friend or maybe this blog, then you have an understanding. For those new to this, hopefully what you see, hear, or read will help you feel the love too.
Late this afternoon, Will called his Red Men to the Hockey Rink, while Harry gathered his Gray troops to the Tennis Courts for the last time. Shep called both teams to the Snow Field where the excitement of the last 5 days would soon be resolved. One by one, each Division’s Red and Gray members would face off for the very last time. Shep reminded everyone that since the score was effectively tied, it would take winning 4 of the 7 Divisions’ tugs (best 2 out of 3 in each) to win Color War. Beginning with the Cubs/Lions and working our way up through the Stars, Shep called the “tuggers to the rope” and when given the signal, George blew the whistle and tug they did.
“PULL! LET’S GO!!! PULL HARDER!!!!”, screamed their leaders, and each responded with all their might. Eyes wincing, bodies twisting, feet dug in, muscles popping. They gave it EVERYTHING they had. Those on the sidelines cheered wildly P-U-L-L-L-L, as if the harder you shouted the stronger they’d be. Each Tug lasted seconds, but it felt like forever, until…the flag crossed... over the line…and George whistled it done.
Once through the lineup, then out again for Round 2. Tug after Tug until finally, it was over – GRAY, the 2024 winner!
Gray swarmed the field, leaping and jumping into anyone’s arms in their path. On the other side, tears abounded for just a few minutes before joining Gray on the field. Hugs and warmth were shared all over as the teams both congratulated and consoled each other before hoisting the two Captains on their shoulders for the trek down to Trickey. The scene just oozes with emotion in every way. Tears of joy and those of sadness filled the eyes of not only the participants, but the well over a hundred plus onlookers as well. The amount of love in the air was simply immeasurable.
Following tradition, all walked behind their leaders to the lake, checked in with the Waterfront Directors, and took turns leaping into the Pond. You see, the waters of Trickey Pond are magical. Jump in, and they wash away the competition. Once again, Skylemar is one.
Waterfront Ceremony for Evening Activity is one of Skylemar’s most sacred and cherished traditions. On this night, we back it way down from the very hectic, action packed week of Color War, to give thanks not only to those who made our summer so special, but to all who made our being here possible. A torch-lit procession to the lake led by our two Captains is how it usually begins, but tonight a steady rain forced us into a last minute detour to the Pavilion. There, after each Captain addressed the camp, Shep took us through the program as if we were down at the lake as a fire burned just outside one end of the Pavilion. Instead of setting a candle-lit “wishing boat” into Trickey’s water, each person in attendance made a wish and tossed a piece of birch into the fire. Legend holds that if you make a wish for someone other than yourself, there’s a pretty good chance it just might come true. Then, instead of campfires outside the bunks, each had their own pizza party inside. Still a wonderful night to cap off a great week and start the process of saying goodbye.