What a magnificent weather week we've had. It’s often said, “it’s not how you start, but how you finish.” As it turns out, that’s not only applicable to this summer’s weather, but certainly this Color War as well.
Red had shaken off the disappointment of last night’s results. By the time they gathered for some last minute inspiration this morning, the positive vibe emanating from them told of a confident Red Team. Gray had weathered every Red storm, and still remained ahead. Their Leaders asked them for even more, knowing Red would fight to the end.
And fight they did. After Gray dominated Sophomores Soccer 5-1 and blew out the Red in both Juniors Football games, Red fought back with a pair of double digit wins in Stars Basketball, and a victory in Tigers Golf and Bocce. At the Hockey courts for a pair of games, Coach Jim touted the first one as the “best game” of this Color War, a very hotly contested, clean, well-played 1-0 Gray win. Red came right back in Game Two by scoring four first period goals, but barely escaping with a 4-3 win. Only the Lions Baseball game had not ended yet, so the rest of the divisions’ competitors surrounded the Middle Diamond and watched our littlest guys once again produce the drama that set the tone for the fantastic finish to come. Down 1-0 since the very first inning, Red’s Lions pushed across two runs with two-out in their last at-bat to walk-off a 2-1 win, erupting a volcano of Red support as the week of Color War athletics came to a close.
The all-camp Archery point went to Gray (only a few points separated the 219 archers). Finally, all activities were complete as we headed to lunch, and a much-needed rest. There was just enough time to rejuvenate for the greatest finale in all of sports - TUGS of WAR.
It’s a simple event. Each team, by Division, takes a side of the rope, and tries to pull the other over the line. But at Skylemar during Color War, it’s the most electric, emotionally charged moment of every summer.
Shep called the Captains and their teams to the Snow Field, a perfect arena for this final chapter of Color War 2023. It would take winning 2 out of 3 tugs in each Division to win the points available – 7 Divisions in all, beginning with the Lions and working our way up to the Stars. At stake… winning Color War and Tugs would decide it. The Gray lead established over the past five days had put them in the enviable position of only needing to win 3 of the 7 divisional tugs to win it all, whereas Red needed to win 5.
To watch Tugs is an incredibly emotional experience for an onlooker. Few adults would expect such a demonstration of strength, grit, endurance and sheer exhaustive effort.
As the teams lined up side vs side, each in strategic order, Shep bellowed, “Tuggers take the rope!” They planted feet, gripped tighter than tight, the whistle blew and….
Their Captain hollered, “HARDER!” The crowd cheered, “PULL!” They felt it from within. PULL HARDER!
Muscles bulged, eyes popped, faces contorted. Each Red and Gray man pulled with all his heart. He wanted more than anything in the world to WIN THIS TUG.
The crowd was blown away by how intent each side was on winning. Many eyes watching filled with tears, just because THEY TRY SO HARD.
As the flag ultimately crossed the line, George blew the whistle and it’s done. Next Division headed out.
Round after round, until finally... GRAY TEAM WINS COLOR WAR 2023!
The Snow Field was immediately drenched with emotion … a celebration filled with tears of both joy and despair. Big kids hugging little ones and vice versa, high-fives and chest bumps, many leaping in the air with happiness and a few collapsing to the ground in disappointment.
Within minutes, the Captains were hoisted onto the shoulders of their First Lieutenants. Both teams gathered together and headed down to Trickey Pond as one Skylemar family.
Now for the magic: As Red and Gray friends leaped into the crystal-clear waters, the competition was washed away. Skylemar is now one.
Tonight was to be the 75th anniversary of our favorite tradition: Waterfront Ceremony. The light drizzle, blowing winds and uncertain weather forecast led us to modify a bit, and instead we moved to the Ring of Champions. This way, if the weather turned, we’d be close to shelter.
Wearing the colors of the opposite team as a sign of friendship, the Captains led the torch-lit procession. As they passed each cabin, bunkmates joined the line, and all of Skylemar headed together in darkness to the Ring of Champions. There a glorious campfire roared, and everyone felt good just being together.
Following a moment of silence to send positive thoughts to those we love at home, the Captains each spoke, providing words of encouragement and expressions of gratitude. Shep then shared the legend of Skylemar. Usually on this night, we each place a boat in Trickey Pond. If we make a wish for someone other than ourselves, the wish just might come true. Tonight, the legend will hold true by tossing a piece of birch bark in the fire while making the wish.
Following the ceremony, each Division had their own special campfire and pizza party. It was a beautiful night, which we’ll all remember forever.