The power of love.
You could feel it in the Skylemar air, despite the messy drizzle falling. There was packing and cleaning to do, but most of all, we just enjoyed being together. Although we laughed and played as always, everyone knew that it would be a long time before most of us will see each other again.
There was a lot of gratitude going around today too. The kids even wrote notes of appreciation to counselors, which become heart-warming surprises sent by mail over the winter.
As always, everyone was most excited about the Final Banquet. It’s a special dinner, with speeches, awards and our favorite show in the world, “Retrospect”.
But here’s where the love really came in.
The entire evening was filled with opportunities to celebrate someone other than yourself. And that’s exactly what they did.
Every speech received a standing ovation. Every photo of a friend drew cheers. Every name announced brought on a frenzy of applause.
It’s true. They came as friends and left as brothers.
No boys in the world could ever be more loved.