Come as friends, leave as brothers.
That’s how we roll at Skylemar.
It’s cool to care about each other here, and we’re totally good with saying “I love you”. Of course we say it with some swagger, like a chant -”LOVE ON TWO, ONE TWO (clap)” - or we give the sign language symbol (index and pinkie up, ring and middle finger down) without thinking twice.
Of course we’re not 100% on point – no human is. Occasionally we neglect to be kind, and sometimes it takes another person to remind us of this.
What makes us most proud about the Skylemar culture is how great the older guys treat those who are younger. This year we’ve expanded and formalized the opportunity for those of all ages to really become unified with a program called “Band of Brothers”.
As you know, age groups are called “Divisions” (Cubs, Lions, Tigers, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors and Stars). Two or three campers from each Division are assigned to a particular “Band”, which is led by our Sky II campers. Each Band is named after an animal native to Maine: Wolves, Bald Eagles, Moose, Owls, Loon, Lobster, Bears, Deer, Dock Spiders, Foxes, Bats and Otters.
For example, on the Moose Band there would be a Major (a Senior Staff member), two Leaders (14/15 year olds), and then two or three boys of each age (7-13). About twice a week we’ll come together in Bands for an activity or meal.
At tonight’s Band of Brothers Kickoff, there were super fun and silly races -- a wheelbarrow relay, an over under relay along with some hula hooping... lots of cheers, laughter and high fives all around!
Another special opportunity came today for those who were at Sky Pines. It’s a beautiful spot on the water’s edge where we do campcraft activities, fishing and snorkeling. It’s also where we do overnight camping. Some of the guys were there for fire building (they learn the different styles, like log cabin, teepee, etc.) and on their way through the trails, they saw the most beautiful owl! We often hear owls, but it’s quite a rarity to see one.
It’s a happy thought to think that this owl somehow could be Herb, one of the founders of Skylemar, who passed away many years ago. Herb and Lee (who we like to think of as the Bald Eagle who soars over camp) were the first Skylemar Band of Brothers. They were best friends, although several years apart in age. Maybe, just maybe, our owl came in view as if to say, “Keep up the kind work. You’re doing this right”.
Heard this today…
Setting: At Chilltop, working on a craft project with Bunk 1
Mary Beth: It would be great if you would add some more detail to that etching.
Bunkmate: What’s detail?
Fernando: I know! Detail means you need to add good things to something.
Only at Skylemar.