If only there was a way to bottle the energy that exploded at Camp Skylemar today, we could fly a rocketship to the moon. It's our kind of solar power, generated by gigantic smiles, genuine hugs and a million high-fives. No matter the overcast skies and a misty drizzle, even those miles away might have felt the joy radiating from Naples, Maine.
The greatest guys in the whole wide world have finally arrived!
Those coming to Skylemar for the very first time felt blanketed in love by the amazing counselors who trained for weeks in preparation for this exciting time. First-day butterflies flew away quickly as new friends became family, and old ones picked up right where they left off, 364 days ago.
Bunk assignments were shared, and the boys dashed to their cabin. It felt amazing to come home to a freshly made bed alongside those who were soon to be brothers. After a tour around camp, it was time for the traditional first night meal…spaghetti and meatballs. It took 70 pounds of pasta, mounds of Caesar salad and 120 loaves of Chef Junior’s famous garlic bread to feed this hungry and happy crowd.
We all came together for Evening Activity in our favorite building, the Rec Hall. Shep bellowed “WELCOME HOME” to the exuberant crowd, and the counselors were each introduced. The boys cheered heartily, especially for their own, and the vibe was ecstatic.
Day is done, and all is well. For this camp director, it’s the greatest feeling of all time.