It was so hot today we had to take it sl-o-o-o-o-o-w....
We did our best to keep activities in the shade, and took water breaks every 20 minutes. By afternoon it was sweltering, so we canceled the schedule and switched to a Wacky Water Afternoon.
Lucky for us, we have Trickey Pond. Skylemar has well over a mile of frontage, so we have access to the lake at several points. First, there’s the Sky I Waterfront, where most of the action takes place. In addition to swimming in the lanes, there’s all kinds of toys to play on. There’s an assortment of giant inflatables – things you climb up, slide down, jump off and bounce on. Peter and his amazing staff offer stand-up paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, sailboats, water basketball and all kinds of creative games and challenges.
By today’s standards, there really is no difference between what’s called a lake vs a pond, at least in Maine. Trickey is about 2 miles long, and a half mile across. It’s very deep (30+ feet in the center), which is why we wear life jackets when we play on inflatables, and of course we need them when using a boat. That way everyone can have fun, no matter their swim level. What’s most amazing about our Trickey Pond is the clarity. It’s incredibly clean, and you can see right through to the bottom when you look over the dock’s edge.
The Sky II waterfront is located at Sky Pines, on the other side of camp. Here the water is shallow for quite a distance, sort of like a sandbar. This area is ideal for fishing, and snorkeling’s great here too. Today's group used the Corcls, which are circular orange boats, kind of like a flat kayak but round.
The older guys had Hillbilly Hot Tubs, Ice Baths and Yard Games. And what is a Hillbilly Hot Tub you might ask? It’s when you put a giant tarp in the bed of a truck and fill it with water. Definitely a first for just about everyone, and loads of fun, too!
Ice Baths are large bins and baby pools filled with water and ice cubes. They fill the boyish desire to “see how much I can stand”, like when they eat hot peppers or a lemon and tell their friends that they like it. Today it was about how long they could stay in the icy water. Quite a while for most!
Back at Sky I, there was Water Warships. That's when there's a giant tarp hung between two teams, and the game's played sort of like Battleship with spongy water balls tossed across to make the plays. The game went well for the first half hour, and then everyone just started throwing wet balls at the counselors.
One group had ice-cream making, followed by crafts at Chilltop. The ice cream, made with whipping cream, sugar and flavorings, was surprisingly delicious. The craft was sand art, which is always popular. That is, until the cap comes off the bottle.
Another group had Hose Games and snow cones. It’s super joyful stuff – squeals of laughter from all. As for snow cones, “blue” (blue raspberry) is definitely the most requested. We’ve been trying to get rid of what the kids call “cream-de-men-they” (mint flavored but the label says “Cream de Menthe”) for a long time now.
Forever the favorite hotspot is the Sky Water Slide, which runs down the hockey court hill. It spans quite a distance, so you definitely get a good ride.
To top off the fun, each location got a visit from the Sky Ice Cream Truck.
Once again, we’re exhausted. Crossing our fingers that all get sleep tonight. More hot tomorrow!