Staff Orientation, our 10-day training program before the kids arrive, touches on 101 points pertaining to the safety of each child in our care. This includes discussions and activities about what it means to be a father, mother, teacher and hero. After all, being a super-hero is what the job’s all about.
At one point, each counselor wrote down the name of someone who they considered to be a role model, as well as the traits that describe that person. Perhaps it was a coach, parent, employer or grandparent. We used a flip chart to brainstorm the important qualities that made the person such an influential mentor. Along those lines, this summer would be each staff member’s opportunity to be the person forever remembered by a child, for all these right reasons. The hand-written cards from the session were then collected and for the most part, forgotten.
At yesterday’s Counselor Meeting, six weeks from the day those cards were written, they were returned to their rightful owners. Once all were distributed, Shep opened with a question to think about. “Who do you think has the toughest job here at Camp Skylemar?”
He explained that there were two possible answers. He said, “If you thought of someone other than yourself, then you are correct. If you thought of yourself, then you’re correct too, because of our high standards and expectations.”
“Who else had the toughest job?”, Shep asked. After a pause he said, “The role model you wrote about on the card that’s now in your hand.”
Counselors again discussed the traits of their role model. He was “caring”, “patient”, “selfless”, “supportive”, “respectful” and so on.
How can you be the best you can be for the next 10 days at Camp Skylemar? Shep said, “The answers are in your hand. He continued, “Keep that card, look at it every day, and remember, nothing good comes easy.”
If you think about it, it’s never easy to be a strong leader and a role model. Those who are our heroes just make it look easy. At Skylemar, there are a number of those special people who work tirelessly behind the scenes, to help both counselors and campers to succeed. After all, a true leader strives to make others look good, not themselves.
This Blog is dedicated to our "dream team" of Skylemar leaders, who go above and beyond. Thank you times a million, to our 60+ nurses, directors, assistants, Bunksters and Bunkles. You stand as a role model for doing whatever it takes to help others succeed.