After a tightly-capped and shook-up year, it’s as if a soda bottle of joy exploded at Camp Skylemar. The greatest guys in the whole wide world have arrived!
They came by plane, bus and car, ready for friendship-filled happy days. Saying goodbye to those we love is emotional, so it was especially impressive to watch even our youngest bravely travel without a tear.
After the traditional meal of spaghetti and meatballs, everyone settled into their cabins. Typically, a “household” is 5-8 boys, plus two or three counselors. The older groups have more, since long-time friends who have been divided for so long yearned for togetherness. It feels good to be home sweet home, at Camp Skylemar.
Staff Intros for Evening Activity. It’s especially fun to hear the kids cheer with pride for their own counselors, whether they’ve known them for years or just a few hours.
As we sing each night, “day is done and all is well”. Rest assured that your Skylemar star is safe in his bed, surrounded by friends and counselors who care.