First day of Second Session, and it poured. Not just rain, but more like a deluge. Even most of our early risers stayed in bed until The Morning Show at 8. The original schedule was literally a wash-out, but Barney had Plan B ready to go.
Rainy can’t stop us from having fun. The big hit of the day was Catapult Building in the Pavilion. The kids were spread out on the tables in teams of 3 or 4. Each was given a bag of supplies, which included duct tape, tongue depressors, straws, paper clips, rubber bands and so forth. You were given the task of creating a catapult that would launch a ping pong ball off in the distance. The ball that went the farthest was the winner. What they came up with was incredible. Our guys are brilliant.
The Karaoke Dance Party in the Lodge was a blast as well. The Cubs and Tigers were especially adorable. Hayes knew all the words to a Beastie Boys song he rapped. Ethan K and Nolan B sang a song from “The Greatest Showman”. Asher chose “Just the Two of Us”, while Barron and Balty sang “Bang”. Counselors provided the backup vocals, and the kids all cheered for each other.
There was a slew of board games to play, plus pool, chess and ping pong. T-shirt making was super popular over at Chill Top, and a couple of groups loved being in WSKY for video making and photography.
Suzie led Card Sharks in the Rec Hall. It’s a game show that combines trivia questions and a giant-sized deck of cards. Suzie’s from Las Vegas, so she knows her stuff.
Mitch and Beags led good old fashioned Dodge Ball in the Gym. That’s always a hit.
As for Sky II? They slept, played a little cards, and slept some more. That’s what you want to do when you’re 14 or 15 on a rainy camp day.
The sky cleared in the afternoon, so we did get out a bit. Still misty but we’ll take it. Flag Football, Gaga, Archery, Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Hockey and Tennis. It felt great to run.
Evening Activity was the Counselor Talent Show. It was an impressive display of talent and kinda sorta talent. Cory, Nate, Colton and Suzie did some amazing singing. Mitch inspired us with a perfect rendition of a rap from “Hamilton”. Brittany did speed drawing, and Max drank a full bottle of water in one gulp. Jonathan did real juggling, while Zac’s was imaginary. There was the “Bunkstreet Boys” who even had a couple of dance steps. RJ did impressions and Stef could guess his exact body temperature to the tenth degree (confirmed with a thermometer – he nearly got it right). The night ended with our own Blue Man Group, including black light, rhythmic pounding drums (flipped over trash cans) and neon-colored paint splashing into the night. Byron played the real drums in the background – he was spectacular, and so was the light show created.
Best part of the show was the audience. The kids cheered, sang along, clapped and gave standing ovations... Counselors make their kids proud!